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John F Baker, 1911 |
I was living with my parents in a small town in Mercer County; amid the low hills of western Pennsylvania. We had been hearing rumors about a thing called a "comet." Rumors—that's all we ever got—no TV, no radio; no telephone, no newspapers, nothing, but rumors. In school, we learned only what was in the book. The teacher had three grades to teach in one room. There wasn't time for current events, social studies, or "What's new?"
Anyway, rumors had it that if we looked south-west, some evening after sunset, we could see this thing called Halley's Comet. I looked and looked for a couple evening, and saw nothing. Then I decided that maybe some of the low hills were between me and the Comet. As there were a number of large maple trees in the yard, I climbed one, and there it was: Halley's Comet! The most beautiful natural curve in the world.
I have seen many beautiful natural curves since that time, but none so beautiful as the tail of Halley's Comet. The nose of the Comet was a solid ball of fire, followed by that beautiful curved tail containing huge quantities of glowing, sparkling, flickering particles, much like the sparks that follow the ascent of a rocket on the Fourth of July.
I was so impressed by the beauty of the Comet that I exclaimed aloud: "I wish I could see it again." Much to my surprise, a voice out of the trunk of the maple tree said: "You will." And, here I am, ready to see this same Comet again.
I have located a high ridge in the center of Calaveras County, Calif., with an unobstructed view south-east, south, and west. Just let me know the best date.
J. F. Baker
St. Rt. 7534 Pine Ridge Ln.
Mountain Ranch, CA 95246
P.S. - If any of the above does not comply with your requirements or expectations, feel free to delete it; nevertheless, all statements are based on fact.
n.b.: Dad wrote this letter as an entry to some contest just prior to the 1986 viewing of Halley's Comet.