Who do you suppose I chanced to meet?
A man whose coattails were on fire,
The smoke was rising higher and higher.
As I drove up in my fire bus,
Says he to me, "What's all this fuss?"
Says I to him, "Your coat's a smoking."
Says he to me, "You must be joking."
Just then the fire got very hot,
And he began to feel the spot.
And he turns to me and raves and rants,
"Fireman, fireman, save my pants."
Now a fireman's duty, so I've been told,
Is to fight a fire, so brave and bold.
So I got out the fire hose,

The fire's out.
Reveals the fact
He's Johnny Aiken.
Now Johnny smokes good old Bull,
And needless to say, his pipe was full.
And when he met Miss June Hocket,
He slipped his pipe within his pocket.
With dire results.
I must confess,
I saved his pants,
But lost his vest.
J. F. Baker - 1925
n.b. This is a copy of an actual report filed in the Los Angeles County Fire Department of an incident as described.