"There was a big conflagration.
Everyone was panicking - leaving town -
streets were badly congested.
I went into a building - there was an
old fire-engine - No. 1665 - I started
the thing up and found it was working.
"I drove towards the fire, because the
streets were congested, I drove across
yards - this was a ritzy section -
either Pasadena or south-west L.A. -
I tore down fences - at times I got
stuck in back yards - someone would
always try to stop me - but I just
barreled right thru'.
"By radio, I was always directed on where
to go - even then I would find myself in
a building and have to fight my way out.
I don't know how or why I would get into
a building.
"Pretty soon I had a crew on board -
whenever I stopped there was someone
willing to come along to help -
we kept going on towards that fire.
"Soon I was called on radio to travel on
a big circle - a road that made a big
circle around a city or something. I
don't understand that - but we made
this big loop - then we came back to
the straight road - we took off on it
barreling down that road - -
Then I woke up."
n.b.: The foregoing was dictated to Dorothy on Tuesday October 28, 1986.
Dorothy's further notes are:
August 30, 1987 - the biggest fire of the Tuolumne/Calaveras Fire District,
broke out.
August 31,1987 - Dad died.