Sunday, December 20, 2015

Smoke Signals 1985

Little Buck's Teepee

Eating ShooFly pie, 1981
'Tis Christmas time, and the Forest Folk
Are expecting Santa to fill their poke
With fruits and nuts and mistletoe,
And seeds and plants and things that grow.

Our Forest Friends don't like toys
That flip or flop and make a noise.
Their great joy is things to eat,
Like grass that grows on hillside steep.

Deer like acorns and apples, too.
Squirrels like nuts, and hide a few.
Rabbits like grass and plants that thrive.
Birds like seeds and worms alive.

Nature's abundance is always ample.
For Forest Friends to use and sample.
So, all of us have a reason.
To wish all of you a Happy Season.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the Tribes.

I love you all

Little Buck ~B~ (his mark)
J. F. Baker 1985

n.b. This was Dad's Christmas Greeting which was embellished with Dorothy's art work.