Sunday, December 27, 2015

Smoke Signals 1986

Little Buck

A register containing the names and birth dates of every member of the John F. and Helen H. Baker family, their offspring and spouses, to and including the fifth generation (as of 1986) has been organized and will be maintained by John F. Baker.

During her lifetime, Helen H. Baker made special and extra effort, to the limit of her resources, to remember the birth dates of her family and friends with gifts of Love.

It is the desire and intention of John F. Baker to continue this family tradition by mailing checks to each family member and their spouses on their birth dates.

~B~ John F. Baker

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Smoke Signals 1985

Little Buck's Teepee

Eating ShooFly pie, 1981
'Tis Christmas time, and the Forest Folk
Are expecting Santa to fill their poke
With fruits and nuts and mistletoe,
And seeds and plants and things that grow.

Our Forest Friends don't like toys
That flip or flop and make a noise.
Their great joy is things to eat,
Like grass that grows on hillside steep.

Deer like acorns and apples, too.
Squirrels like nuts, and hide a few.
Rabbits like grass and plants that thrive.
Birds like seeds and worms alive.

Nature's abundance is always ample.
For Forest Friends to use and sample.
So, all of us have a reason.
To wish all of you a Happy Season.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the Tribes.

I love you all

Little Buck ~B~ (his mark)
J. F. Baker 1985

n.b. This was Dad's Christmas Greeting which was embellished with Dorothy's art work.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Smoke Signals 1984

From Mountain Ranch
December 1984 Christmas Greetings

Chief Little Buck is now sleeping in a brand new TEEPEE;
at the end of a road;
 among pines, cedars, and oaks;
 under lots of stars (no smog);
 where many deer browse near-by.

Chief Little Buck is so happy here -
 Chief Little Buck feels like a kid that was
 kicked out of school and don't have to go back!

Lots of rain falls here;
 green grass grows fast;
 rainbows are visible from hill-top to hill-top.

Chief Little Buck goes foot-slogging into the woods
 everyday, counting trees;
 exploring old mule-pack train trails.

Chief Little Buck is very happy!

Little Buck sez:
  with LOVE to ALL!

n.b. This was Dad's Christmas Greetings which Dorothy helped by drawing a picture of the things about which he wrote.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Christmas 1977

Santa, 1965
This form has been prepared for use by:
  1. Persons who cannot write Christmas messages.
  2. Persons who will not write Christmas messages.
  3. Persons who have difficulties when writing Christmas messages.
  4. Persons who are too lazy to write Christmas messages.
Directions for use:
Place a check-mark in the appropriate box and mail as designated (don't forget the 13c stamp).

◻ To all children and their spouses:
"A most glorious and Merry Christmas and a prosperous and Happy New Year!"
Dad Baker
* * *

◻ To all grandchildren and their spouses, and to all the beautiful great-grandchildren:
"May Christmas be a happy family time and may the New Year bring you much joy!"
And to the little ones: "May your Christmas stockings be overflowing with goodies!"
Grandpa Baker
* * *

◻ To all Mountain Men and their Squaws and to the peaceful tribes everywhere:
"May the Great Spirit bless and keep you. May your trails be easy and your campfires bright. May the streams be full with plenty of fish and the ski runs with plenty of snow. May the coming season bring much plew to all!"
Chief Little Buck
* * *

◻ To all relatives, near and far, kissin' cousins and old school chums:
"A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!"
Floyd Baker
* * *

◻ To all friends, neighbors, bankers, politicians, Escrow Indians, union leaders, fire fighters, pari-mutuel cashiers, and business associates:
"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!"
J. F. Baker
* * *

◻ To I.R.S., S.S.A., D.M.V. Registrar of Voters and all other Legal Beagles:
"A carefree Christmas Holiday and a trouble-free New Year!"
John F. Baker
* * *
PUBLISHED BY THE MM PUBLISHING Co. All rights (and lefts) reserved.

Santa, 1965
Santa & Mrs Claus, 1965