TO: Applicants for Indian name
FROM: Chief Little Buck
SUBJECT: Procedure to be followed by those members of tribes associated with Mountain Men (MM) who desire an Indian name.
l. Young braves and squaws must see twelve (12) snows and as many harvests.
2. After this age, applicant must make a hiking and camping trip of two or more days including overnight camp in a natural environment away from white man's works. Take as little foofooraw as possible. Learn to live with and use nature's bounty. Go alone, if possible; if not, one or two companions would be permitted.
3. On the trip, note all the wonderful things in nature, animals, trees, plants, streams, rocks, etc. How all those things take care of each other and how they take care of you, if you learn to use them correctly.
4. After the hike, write a detailed account of the hike and camps: what you saw and heard; the things that interested you the most; how you used the natural things; the difficulties you overcame; how you got along without the white man's foofooraw.
5. Submit your charcoal scratches on the buffalo hide to any one of the members of the Tribal Council. Then watch for smoke signals.
6. Tribal Council:
Chief White Water, Northern Ute Tribe
Chief Rattler, Southern Ute Tribe
Chief SeeDeer, Bernardino Tribe
Chief Little Buck, Gabrielino Tribe
7. Note to Tribal Council members:
Upon receipt of buffler hide, listen to song thereon and choose name for young Brave which fits encounter with Mother Earth and her children. Endorse your choice on back of hide and send to other Council members.
May the Great Spirit Bless and Keep you all in perfect peace.
Little Buck ~B~
Writings of John F Baker
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Tribal Council
18th Sun of the Rain Moon
TO: All Mountain Men, Tribesmen and Squaws.
The Great American fur company is making Big Medicine and holding Rendezvous on the River of the Chiefs, both Middle and South Forks during the Harvest Moon. Enclosed, Leaves of Bark show which way the Stick Floats with Sun and Moon drawn. One Track A. One Track B. Track A will be followed unless the Indians run off or kill all the Ponies at the Grove of Cedar.
Whether or not the Tribe will go depends upon the Smile of the Great Spirit and how much wampum can be obtained by trading our Plew with the Paleface. If the Paleface gives up heap much wampum the Post will be struck by the Tomahawk on or about the 15th Sun of the Summer Moon, at which time a Leaf of Possibles will be sent all Braves and their Squaws.
In the meantime, the Warriors can sharpen their Knives and see the Great White Father to get the Bark which permits Rubbing Two Sticks together. The Hunters and Squaws can practice cooking with the white man's dry powder.
Smoke Signals show SeeDeer will pitch his Teepee at the Lake of Cedar just as soon as the Sachem of the Great White Father closes his roll of Bark. At present, the Stick Floats to a Council of Warrior near SeeDeer's Teepee on the 20th Sun of the Summer Moon, at which time Feathers and Foofooraw will be presented to deserving Braves. White Water will be free at the Stockade where the Paleface sees the talking shadows on the Cliff when this Sun Shines.
Smoke Signals also show Cat that Screams at Night is already making Medicine in the Camp of the Papoose of the Yellow Legs at the Lake of Flint.
The Colonel has appointed SeeDeer Keeper of the Roll of Brands. All Braves and Squaws will submit two or three choices to the White Teepee for approval before the 15th Sun of the Summer Moon. The decision of SeeDeer and the Council of Warrior will be final.
More Smoke Later.
May your peaceful Suns be as the leaves of the trees and the Smile of the Great Spirit be upon you.
Chief Little Buck
(From Karl "See Deer")
[Below] is the translation of Grandpa's letter. It was written in 1961. As you read it you will understand it. Don't forget that during this time Grandpa was playing the pony's, (going to the horse races) and was depending on his winnings for extra cash. During the mid 1950's Grandpa took Phil, Tom and myself on a camping trip to Cedar Grove, Kings Canyon and he wanted to do it again. This is the letter he sent regarding that trip. At this time, Phil was working at the theater and Tom was working at the Scout Camp and I was working up in Big Bear. I think you can figure out how the letter goes. Knowing all this, the letter makes sense. Read the translation. As soon as I read Grandpa's letter I knew exactly what was going on. It did bring back some memories.
April 18th
To: All members of the Baker family.
The Baker family is preparing to hold a trip to the Middle and South fork of the King's River during September. Enclosed letter tells of possible trips. Trip A is the preferred trip going to Cedar Grove, Kings Canyon.
Whether we go or not depends on the good Lord and depending on the finances. If the "White Man" pays well we will go about the 15th of September. A list of things to do and to take will be sent to all those who go.
In the meantime, you can prepare yourselves and get a fire permit from the government. Those who obtain and cook food can practice cooking with dehydrated food.
Communications show Karl will be living at Cedar Lake just as soon as school closes. At the present it looks like there will be a meeting of those who want to go at Cedar Lake on July 20th, at which time honors will be give to who deserve it. Phill will be free from his work at the theater.
Communications also show that Tom is already working at the Boy Scout Camp in Arrowhead.
The Colonel (Grandpa) has appointed Karl to keep a record of family members' brands. Everyone should submit 2 -3 choices by mail to Grandpa for approval before July 15th. The decision of Karl in a meeting with "other members of Grandpa's tribe" will; be final.
May your day's be good and the Good Lord smile upon you!
Chief Little Buck
TO: All Mountain Men, Tribesmen and Squaws.
The Great American fur company is making Big Medicine and holding Rendezvous on the River of the Chiefs, both Middle and South Forks during the Harvest Moon. Enclosed, Leaves of Bark show which way the Stick Floats with Sun and Moon drawn. One Track A. One Track B. Track A will be followed unless the Indians run off or kill all the Ponies at the Grove of Cedar.
Whether or not the Tribe will go depends upon the Smile of the Great Spirit and how much wampum can be obtained by trading our Plew with the Paleface. If the Paleface gives up heap much wampum the Post will be struck by the Tomahawk on or about the 15th Sun of the Summer Moon, at which time a Leaf of Possibles will be sent all Braves and their Squaws.
In the meantime, the Warriors can sharpen their Knives and see the Great White Father to get the Bark which permits Rubbing Two Sticks together. The Hunters and Squaws can practice cooking with the white man's dry powder.
Smoke Signals show SeeDeer will pitch his Teepee at the Lake of Cedar just as soon as the Sachem of the Great White Father closes his roll of Bark. At present, the Stick Floats to a Council of Warrior near SeeDeer's Teepee on the 20th Sun of the Summer Moon, at which time Feathers and Foofooraw will be presented to deserving Braves. White Water will be free at the Stockade where the Paleface sees the talking shadows on the Cliff when this Sun Shines.
Smoke Signals also show Cat that Screams at Night is already making Medicine in the Camp of the Papoose of the Yellow Legs at the Lake of Flint.
The Colonel has appointed SeeDeer Keeper of the Roll of Brands. All Braves and Squaws will submit two or three choices to the White Teepee for approval before the 15th Sun of the Summer Moon. The decision of SeeDeer and the Council of Warrior will be final.
More Smoke Later.
May your peaceful Suns be as the leaves of the trees and the Smile of the Great Spirit be upon you.
Chief Little Buck
(From Karl "See Deer")
[Below] is the translation of Grandpa's letter. It was written in 1961. As you read it you will understand it. Don't forget that during this time Grandpa was playing the pony's, (going to the horse races) and was depending on his winnings for extra cash. During the mid 1950's Grandpa took Phil, Tom and myself on a camping trip to Cedar Grove, Kings Canyon and he wanted to do it again. This is the letter he sent regarding that trip. At this time, Phil was working at the theater and Tom was working at the Scout Camp and I was working up in Big Bear. I think you can figure out how the letter goes. Knowing all this, the letter makes sense. Read the translation. As soon as I read Grandpa's letter I knew exactly what was going on. It did bring back some memories.
April 18th
To: All members of the Baker family.
The Baker family is preparing to hold a trip to the Middle and South fork of the King's River during September. Enclosed letter tells of possible trips. Trip A is the preferred trip going to Cedar Grove, Kings Canyon.
Whether we go or not depends on the good Lord and depending on the finances. If the "White Man" pays well we will go about the 15th of September. A list of things to do and to take will be sent to all those who go.
In the meantime, you can prepare yourselves and get a fire permit from the government. Those who obtain and cook food can practice cooking with dehydrated food.
Communications show Karl will be living at Cedar Lake just as soon as school closes. At the present it looks like there will be a meeting of those who want to go at Cedar Lake on July 20th, at which time honors will be give to who deserve it. Phill will be free from his work at the theater.
Communications also show that Tom is already working at the Boy Scout Camp in Arrowhead.
The Colonel (Grandpa) has appointed Karl to keep a record of family members' brands. Everyone should submit 2 -3 choices by mail to Grandpa for approval before July 15th. The decision of Karl in a meeting with "other members of Grandpa's tribe" will; be final.
May your day's be good and the Good Lord smile upon you!
Chief Little Buck
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Dad's Dream of Last Nite
"There was a big conflagration.
Everyone was panicking - leaving town -
streets were badly congested.
I went into a building - there was an
old fire-engine - No. 1665 - I started
the thing up and found it was working.
"I drove towards the fire, because the
streets were congested, I drove across
yards - this was a ritzy section -
either Pasadena or south-west L.A. -
I tore down fences - at times I got
stuck in back yards - someone would
always try to stop me - but I just
barreled right thru'.
"By radio, I was always directed on where
to go - even then I would find myself in
a building and have to fight my way out.
I don't know how or why I would get into
a building.
"Pretty soon I had a crew on board -
whenever I stopped there was someone
willing to come along to help -
we kept going on towards that fire.
"Soon I was called on radio to travel on
a big circle - a road that made a big
circle around a city or something. I
don't understand that - but we made
this big loop - then we came back to
the straight road - we took off on it
barreling down that road - -
Then I woke up."
n.b.: The foregoing was dictated to Dorothy on Tuesday October 28, 1986.
Dorothy's further notes are:
August 30, 1987 - the biggest fire of the Tuolumne/Calaveras Fire District,
broke out.
August 31,1987 - Dad died.
Everyone was panicking - leaving town -
streets were badly congested.
I went into a building - there was an
old fire-engine - No. 1665 - I started
the thing up and found it was working.
"I drove towards the fire, because the
streets were congested, I drove across
yards - this was a ritzy section -
either Pasadena or south-west L.A. -
I tore down fences - at times I got
stuck in back yards - someone would
always try to stop me - but I just
barreled right thru'.
"By radio, I was always directed on where
to go - even then I would find myself in
a building and have to fight my way out.
I don't know how or why I would get into
a building.
"Pretty soon I had a crew on board -
whenever I stopped there was someone
willing to come along to help -
we kept going on towards that fire.
"Soon I was called on radio to travel on
a big circle - a road that made a big
circle around a city or something. I
don't understand that - but we made
this big loop - then we came back to
the straight road - we took off on it
barreling down that road - -
Then I woke up."
n.b.: The foregoing was dictated to Dorothy on Tuesday October 28, 1986.
Dorothy's further notes are:
August 30, 1987 - the biggest fire of the Tuolumne/Calaveras Fire District,
broke out.
August 31,1987 - Dad died.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
The Capture of Little Buck
Feb 20 - Phill and Scott took me to Simi Valley Adventist Hospital.
Feb 22 - Corrective surgery for hernia
Feb 28 - Prostate surgery
March 5 - Home with Phill and Pat
March 8 - Taken to Alhambra with Virginia
(This was Dad's record of his hospitalization in 1983.)
Feb 22 - Corrective surgery for hernia
Feb 28 - Prostate surgery
March 5 - Home with Phill and Pat
March 8 - Taken to Alhambra with Virginia
(This was Dad's record of his hospitalization in 1983.)
Sunday, February 14, 2016
To A Smiling Girl
With your smile enchanting,
And your disposition mild,
Other's lives enhancing.
Always cheer to others giving,
Always fresh and gay,
Always making life worth living,
Brightening up the day.
Should you ever feel discouraged
Keep this thought in place:
Others always feel encouraged
By your beaming face.
- J. F. Baker, 1943
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Things I Remember
The following is transcribed from a cassette dad made in August of 1979. I could not decipher some of it hence the ellipses.
[Indecipherable]...used to enjoy coming to our house, picking me up and holding me on their laps and I would lay my head on their ample bosoms and again enjoy the natural curve.
[Indecipherable]...fact, I told Mother after the visit of one such lady that "Mrs. Smith had such nice pillows."
The events of 1894 seem to have passed me by as I do not remember anything that occurred that year.
The next year, however, several things are remembered. One, is the flood of the Scio River. We were then living either in Scio or Jewett, Ohio. I was born in Unionport, which is closer to Steubenville. The river overflowed from the floods which is normal in that part of the country every spring, and we lived in a two-story house. All of the furniture was moved to the second floor, including the stove. Living on the second floor was not difficult, because the chimneys were built with stove-pipe inlets at every floor, even in the basement.
I remember, distinctly, how fearful my Mother was that I would fall into the water down the stairs because the water-level was up to the top step of the stairs and every chance I got I would go out into the hall to see that water. It amazed me that the stairway and the hall below were underneath the water. And I also remember my Father coming home for dinner and a boatman brought him...I would stand at the window on the second floor—and saw him coming in a boat, and as they brought the boat up to the window and he stepped over the window sill from the boat into the room. That, again, shows that the water was up almost to the level of the second floor. I don't know what we would have done if the water had risen any higher.
We burned coal for heating and cooking in those days and we had kerosene lamps to see with and it was the only thing we needed during the flood was the boatman who would bring sacks of coal, a can of oil for the lamps, and whatever groceries we needed. I don't know how long this lasted, but to a youngster, it would seem a wonderful adventure. I believe this occurred in the spring of 1895 because that was the year my sister was born and she came in November, and I don't remember her being present during the flood, so apparently, this was the spring flood of 1895.
I remember an incident which occurred in 1896 when my sister was anywhere from six months to a year old—well, no, she couldn't have been that old maybe three to six months. We were again living in a two-story house, in fact, all houses seemed to be two stories in those days. There was always a basement, or cellar, and the first floor was used for living purposes and the second floor was bedrooms.
On this occasion, my Mother was washing in the basement. The washing was done in those days without any electricity by rubbing the clothes on a washboard. The washboard being set in a tub with the clothes, water, soap, all in there together. My sister, Edna, who I called "Ledda," was asleep in the bedroom on the second floor. That was two flights of stairs up from where my Mother was washing. She kept me in the basement with her so as to keep me out of trouble, because I was the adventurous sort and was always getting into some kind of trouble. "Ledda" began to cry, she woke up crying, and my Mother made the mistake of telling me to go see why "Ledda" was crying.
I had to crawl on hands and knees to get up to the second floor because I was still not too good at walking. I certainly couldn't walk up stairs, I could climb up, but couldn't walk. So, when I got up there and went into the bedroom, like any baby, she was lying there hollering with her mouth wide open. I couldn't figure out any way to stop her from crying. In those days all bedrooms had a commode, which was a piece of furniture with doors in the front, inside there was a slop jar and a chamber, and on top was a large bowl, inside of which was a pitcher, always full of water. There was a soap dish to hold the soap. All of these articles were made of what today we call ceramic. They were all decorated the same and were matched sets. These were in every bedroom in those days.
The only thing I could figure to stop Edna from crying was to pick up that pitcher of water and throw it in her face. But the trouble with that was that she was crying with her mouth open and she got a mouthful of water. With water down her lungs she stopped crying all of a sudden. Well, my Mother, when she heard that crying suddenly stopped, she became frightened and came tearing up two flights of stairs just in time to take "Ledda" by the heels and hold her up and let the water run out of her.
Apparently, that is just how close I came to drowning my sister.
I can't remember any incidents that can be definitely placed in 1896 and '97. So at this point I would like to describe how we children were dressed in those days. The boys wore dresses, just like the girls, and they wore two or three petticoats underneath the dresses, just like the girls. I wore long yellow curls, just like the girls. I was sixteen or seventeen years old before I had my first pair of trousers. I did graduate into pants about seven years old, maybe it was a little younger, maybe five years old. There is a large picture which shows me dressed as I have described in the fancy white dresses. For morning wear, there were various colored gingham dresses, but for afternoon and evening wear, we were dressed in fancy white dresses. Actually with bonnets on, whenever we were taken outdoors, you couldn't tell the boys from the girls in those days. Just think of the tremendous amount of extra work that mothers made for themselves with all that washing and ironing to do with the fancy dresses.
1898 was an election year, of course, and everybody talked politics. I would have been about five years old and I remember very distinctly that we lived in a place where the front porch extended out to the sidewalk. There was no front lawn. And the porch was about five or six feet above the level of the sidewalk. We lived on a street where the engineer, Mr. Carmody, of the railroad and his firemen would pass every day at noon on their way to lunch. This was in Cadiz, Ohio, and Cadiz never had a main line railroad. It was a branch line on the Pennsylvania Panhandle that came up to Cadiz, which was the end of the line.
There was only the one train which went back and forth a couple of times a day, I believe. Mr. Carmody was the engineer and he lived in Cadiz and it was no problem for him to put the engine and train on the siding and leave it and go home for lunch. He would pass our porch everyday and I was in the habit, in pleasant weather, of playing out on the porch and he would always speak to me because Father was well-known by the railroad men inasmuch as he traveled so much on the railroad and they were all good friends.
Mr. Carmody would stop and talk to me everyday when he went by and, of course, politics being the topic of the day, he would ask me questions about, "What are you a Democrat or a Republican?"
I remember asking my Father about these matters, so he gave me some information so I could spiel off a rigmarole that made Mr. Carmody laugh. He would ask, "What are you a Democrat or Republican?" I would respond, "I was a 'emocrat because Grandpa was, Poppa was a Republican, Mother was a lady, and 'Ledda' was just 'Ledda'." This was my first introduction into politics.
[Indecipherable]...used to enjoy coming to our house, picking me up and holding me on their laps and I would lay my head on their ample bosoms and again enjoy the natural curve.
[Indecipherable]...fact, I told Mother after the visit of one such lady that "Mrs. Smith had such nice pillows."
The events of 1894 seem to have passed me by as I do not remember anything that occurred that year.
The next year, however, several things are remembered. One, is the flood of the Scio River. We were then living either in Scio or Jewett, Ohio. I was born in Unionport, which is closer to Steubenville. The river overflowed from the floods which is normal in that part of the country every spring, and we lived in a two-story house. All of the furniture was moved to the second floor, including the stove. Living on the second floor was not difficult, because the chimneys were built with stove-pipe inlets at every floor, even in the basement.
I remember, distinctly, how fearful my Mother was that I would fall into the water down the stairs because the water-level was up to the top step of the stairs and every chance I got I would go out into the hall to see that water. It amazed me that the stairway and the hall below were underneath the water. And I also remember my Father coming home for dinner and a boatman brought him...I would stand at the window on the second floor—and saw him coming in a boat, and as they brought the boat up to the window and he stepped over the window sill from the boat into the room. That, again, shows that the water was up almost to the level of the second floor. I don't know what we would have done if the water had risen any higher.
We burned coal for heating and cooking in those days and we had kerosene lamps to see with and it was the only thing we needed during the flood was the boatman who would bring sacks of coal, a can of oil for the lamps, and whatever groceries we needed. I don't know how long this lasted, but to a youngster, it would seem a wonderful adventure. I believe this occurred in the spring of 1895 because that was the year my sister was born and she came in November, and I don't remember her being present during the flood, so apparently, this was the spring flood of 1895.
I remember an incident which occurred in 1896 when my sister was anywhere from six months to a year old—well, no, she couldn't have been that old maybe three to six months. We were again living in a two-story house, in fact, all houses seemed to be two stories in those days. There was always a basement, or cellar, and the first floor was used for living purposes and the second floor was bedrooms.
On this occasion, my Mother was washing in the basement. The washing was done in those days without any electricity by rubbing the clothes on a washboard. The washboard being set in a tub with the clothes, water, soap, all in there together. My sister, Edna, who I called "Ledda," was asleep in the bedroom on the second floor. That was two flights of stairs up from where my Mother was washing. She kept me in the basement with her so as to keep me out of trouble, because I was the adventurous sort and was always getting into some kind of trouble. "Ledda" began to cry, she woke up crying, and my Mother made the mistake of telling me to go see why "Ledda" was crying.
I had to crawl on hands and knees to get up to the second floor because I was still not too good at walking. I certainly couldn't walk up stairs, I could climb up, but couldn't walk. So, when I got up there and went into the bedroom, like any baby, she was lying there hollering with her mouth wide open. I couldn't figure out any way to stop her from crying. In those days all bedrooms had a commode, which was a piece of furniture with doors in the front, inside there was a slop jar and a chamber, and on top was a large bowl, inside of which was a pitcher, always full of water. There was a soap dish to hold the soap. All of these articles were made of what today we call ceramic. They were all decorated the same and were matched sets. These were in every bedroom in those days.
The only thing I could figure to stop Edna from crying was to pick up that pitcher of water and throw it in her face. But the trouble with that was that she was crying with her mouth open and she got a mouthful of water. With water down her lungs she stopped crying all of a sudden. Well, my Mother, when she heard that crying suddenly stopped, she became frightened and came tearing up two flights of stairs just in time to take "Ledda" by the heels and hold her up and let the water run out of her.
Apparently, that is just how close I came to drowning my sister.
![]() |
Baby John Baker, 1894. Holding his father's pocket watch. |
1898 was an election year, of course, and everybody talked politics. I would have been about five years old and I remember very distinctly that we lived in a place where the front porch extended out to the sidewalk. There was no front lawn. And the porch was about five or six feet above the level of the sidewalk. We lived on a street where the engineer, Mr. Carmody, of the railroad and his firemen would pass every day at noon on their way to lunch. This was in Cadiz, Ohio, and Cadiz never had a main line railroad. It was a branch line on the Pennsylvania Panhandle that came up to Cadiz, which was the end of the line.
There was only the one train which went back and forth a couple of times a day, I believe. Mr. Carmody was the engineer and he lived in Cadiz and it was no problem for him to put the engine and train on the siding and leave it and go home for lunch. He would pass our porch everyday and I was in the habit, in pleasant weather, of playing out on the porch and he would always speak to me because Father was well-known by the railroad men inasmuch as he traveled so much on the railroad and they were all good friends.
Mr. Carmody would stop and talk to me everyday when he went by and, of course, politics being the topic of the day, he would ask me questions about, "What are you a Democrat or a Republican?"
I remember asking my Father about these matters, so he gave me some information so I could spiel off a rigmarole that made Mr. Carmody laugh. He would ask, "What are you a Democrat or Republican?" I would respond, "I was a 'emocrat because Grandpa was, Poppa was a Republican, Mother was a lady, and 'Ledda' was just 'Ledda'." This was my first introduction into politics.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Thesis On Mathematical Frequency
by J. F. Baker
Copyright: 1967
Farmers, businessmen, investors, gamblers, etc., are all concerned with whether a specific event will or will not occur. It is doubtful that any of the methods taught or that are in use at the present time produces the desired results in all fields of activity. A man of great experience in a given business may have developed a high degree of good judgment in foreseeing the future, and enjoys some success. Place this man in a different field of activity and he, depending upon the use of his good judgment is not so successful because his judgment is good only in the field in which it was developed.
Again, a man may depend upon the so-called laws of probability. This is not very specific. In using the formula taught in the schools, one may calculate the odds or chances that may occur in any given event. One would still have to use judgment as to whether the odds are favorable or not. You cannot succeed with judgment, except in a limited field. Probability suggests chance and chance suggests accident, etc. One who stands with the firm conviction that everything that happens or occurs does so because of a principle could not rely on probability, chance or accident. Is it not true that the word "accident" is used to describe an event about which our knowledge is so lacking that we do not know the cause or why it occurred? A number of years ago a magazine published an article entitled "Born to Crash" in which it was proven that a certain group of people (principally those whose mental reflexes were slow) always had automobile crashes, were still having crashes and would always have crashes. While another group of people, never had crashes and never would have crashes. Thus, it is doubtful if there is such a thing in reality as accident, chance or probability.
Some men say they make decisions regarding future events according to the so called "Law of Averages." If this means that in a series of events running into infinity, any specific event which has not occurred recently is bound to occur next, then this law is worthless. It is on record that the red and black on a roulette wheel have each come up 2l and 22 continuous times without the other showing. Even if the series of Events were limited in scope, as a deck of cards, this so-called law is useless except near the end when the last card can be predicted if all the cards which have shown previously have been memorized. It has been proved that in any series of events running into infinity, the events will occur on one side of the average line for a time and then will cross over and show on the other side, crossing back and forth as time goes on. But there is nothing to indicate when the events will average out equally.
In recent years considerable thought and effort has been given to the study of Extra Sensory Perception (E.S.P.). This has been described as a sixth sense which enables those who have it to mentally see and describe past and future events. If every event which occurs in the universe does occur according to a principle and follows definite frequency patterns, could it be that those who practice E.S.P. in foretelling future events subconsciously recognize the frequency pattern of the series of events with which they are concerned at the moment and are following the frequency pattern without recognizing it as such.
It is quite apparent that all the methods of forecasting the future, now in use, are of questionable value. This is because most are not based on any scientific principle. If every event that occurs is according to principle and not by accident, chance, odds, probability or E.S.P., then the method of forecasting such events must be based on some prescribed principle.
These notes are intended to describe the principle upon which Mathematical Frequency is based.
In 1923, during extensive research and study of Fire Department Hydraulics, the writer was intrigued by the appearance and reappearance of the same mathematical values in extended calculations. Laier, a study of this phenomenon led to the discovery of the principle of Mathematical Frequency. This principle may be stated as follows: the frequency with which a mathematical value appears in any series of mathematical values is proportional to the frequency with which the same mathematical value appeared in a previous, similar series of mathematical values. Note that it is mathematical value which must be considered. Any number which is merely an identification number will not suffice. It has no value. Therefore, any event in a series of similar events which have mathematical value or to which value can be attached can be forecast provided all elements of the events have appropriate value. It is the value which is forecast, not the event itself.
In 1938 a series of intensive tests and experiments lasting 28 years was begun in various gambling games as a means of learning more about the principle of Mathematical Frequency and to develop a positive formula for using the principle. Gambling games were used upon the advice of a college official because of the opportunity to observe a more rapid series of events running into infinity. It should be noted that in the usual casino games, Mathematical Frequency is of very limited use. All the numbers involved are identification numbers and as stated above have no value.
In legal pari-mutuel horse racing Mathematical Frequency is extremely successful, as there are a variety of ways in which mathematical value can be attached to each horse in the race. As a result of considerable experience in horse racing, the following four rules are listed as an indication of what is required to make a successful pari-mutuel wagering system. The rules are placed in order of their importance.
- The entire system must operate automatically, i.e., no decisions, no need for judgment.
- Sufficient capital. There will be losing races. Enough capital should be available to carry one over the losing period and continue with the progressive wagering.
- A proper progressive wagering system. One that progresses on losses from race to race and on profits from day to day.
- A reliable picking system. One that picks one out of four or five races is best. One that picks a winner in every race is not very profitable.
It is under the No. 4 rule where Mathematical Frequency is so successful. Referring to the principle as stated earlier, it will be noted that no reference is made to the order in which the events will occur. As a result of much trial and error, as there has been no precedent to follow, it was discovered that the matter of sequence must be considered. For example, two days of racing show winning mathematical values as follows:
First Day | Second Day | ||
Race No
Winning Values
Race No
Winning Values
A simple Frequency chart will show results as follows:
Values | First Day | Second Day |
Although the second series is 90% the same as the first and conforms to the principle as stated, all that can be wagered on is that the second day will have the same number of values winning as the first. Hence the necessity for introducing the Sequence or Frequency Pattern. It will be noted that on the second day, the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and ninth races may be forecast by means of the Frequency Pattern of succeeding events repeating in the second series as indicated in the first series. This, then, conforms to the statement of principle if the words "pattern of Mathematical values" are used in the statement.
In the example given above, only the mathematical values represented by the figures 1, 2, 3, 0 are used. Care should be exercised in selecting the method of placing mathematical value on each horse in a race or on any other elements of an event in a series of events. When the winning values are tabulated on graph paper, the results should produce the typical biological curve. Any method which does not produce approximately 25% winners for the highest value, 20% winners for the second highest value and 15% winners for the third highest value, should not be used. All values other than the three highest should be represented by the "O". In fields of activity other than racing, it may be advisable to use more or less than the four evaluations used here. In any case, 60% or more of the winning values should be used.
The four evaluations used here may also be said to be the four elements of each event, one of which will occur in each race. The number of elements in each action has an important bearing on other matters than Mathematical Frequency Patterns, as indicated by the following table:
Elements | Casino Odds | Progressive Steps |
1 to 1
2 to 1
3 to 1
4 to 1
5 to 1
In pari-mutuel wagering no one person controls the odds to be paid. This is determined by the way the public wagers. However, 3 to l odds is the approximate average odds paid by winners selected by Mathematical Frequency Pattern using the 1, 2, 3, 0 classification of values. The five step progression is also used with this classification. Thus a successful selection in any group of five races makes for a profitable day. Since all experimentation and testing ended in 1966, 90% to 95% of the racing days have been profitable.
Although most of the reference here has been to pari-mutuel wagering, it should be noted that the principles of Mathematical Frequency Patterns can be applied to forecasting any event in a series which has mathematical value or to which mathematical value can be applied. This is a universal principle.
Although most of the reference here has been to pari-mutuel wagering, it should be noted that the principles of Mathematical Frequency Patterns can be applied to forecasting any event in a series which has mathematical value or to which mathematical value can be applied. This is a universal principle.
--FINI --
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